Channels: Public

Public discussion

22-08-01 20:21:13: [Public] Alora: Welcome!

22-08-01 20:21:48: [Public] Aion: Test.

22-08-01 20:22:08: [Public] Cruci: O/.

22-08-01 20:22:13: [Public] Cruci: Hello.

22-08-01 20:22:19: [Public] Cruci: Oh.

22-08-01 20:22:27: [Public] Cruci: I keep getting "path fail" after every message.

22-08-01 20:22:32: [Public] Aion: Welcome! ignore the "path fail" that's just debugging.

22-08-01 20:37:39: [Public] Alora: Hi tempre! you can use pub to talk to us all. can you let us know if you saw purple messages when you arrived?

22-08-01 20:37:55: [Public] Tempre: I'm seeing them right now.

22-08-01 20:38:01: [Public] Alora: Excellent.

22-08-01 20:38:03: [Public] Tempre: Also hi! and path fail.

22-08-01 20:38:09: [Public] Alora: Yeah, ignore the path fail haha.

22-08-01 20:38:18: [Public] Alora: That's part of an unfinished discord bot connection.

22-08-01 20:38:22: [Public] Cruci: Oh, another thing is that "enter knothole" didn't work for me.

22-08-01 20:38:35: [Public] Alora: Yeah, it shouldn't. one way exit there.

22-08-01 20:38:39: [Public] Cruci: Ah.

22-08-01 20:40:46: [Public] Cruci: All right, i'll be out for now, will check this out more thoroughly some other time.

22-08-01 20:40:56: [Public] Cruci: Ahh, it decapitalizes "i" d:.

22-08-01 20:41:08: [Public] Cruci: ...and emotes, of course.

22-08-01 20:41:24: [Public] Alora: Pub channel is awful for grammar. we haven't overwritten that yet.

22-08-01 20:42:08: [Public] Tempre: Hi... bye.

22-08-01 23:09:42: [Public] Alora: You're still here! did you manage to break anything yet?

22-08-01 23:10:10: [Public] Tempre: Nothing major yet!

22-08-01 23:10:27: [Public] Alora: Woo!

22-08-01 23:26:25: [Public] Alora: Welcome, zilocke! (you can use pub to talk on here. forgive the horrible grammar on this channel.).

22-08-01 23:26:45: [Public] Alora: (and also the path fail error).

22-08-02 09:06:22: [Public] Alora: Welcome!

22-08-02 09:06:37: [Public] Tarusama: Thank you!

22-08-02 09:07:05: [Public] Tarusama: This is exciting. i'm stoked for this game.

22-08-02 09:10:13: [Public] Alora: Aw, thank you! we are too - it's been pretty fun today having other people around, i have to say.

22-08-04 02:14:40: [Public] Alora: Hi!

22-08-05 04:12:36: [Public] Alora: Hi hi! how goes?

22-08-05 04:12:47: [Public] Zilocke: Hey.

22-08-05 16:42:42: [Public] Serelliwen: Hello.

22-08-05 16:46:53: [Public] Alora: Hey there!

22-08-06 10:09:39: [Public] Alora: Good morning!

22-08-06 10:09:47: [Public] Alora: If it is morning for you.

22-08-06 10:10:42: [Public] Serelliwen: Yes it is morning, good morning. its 3:10 am here.

22-08-06 10:11:17: [Public] Serelliwen: I've chosen sylvan as my profession. yay.

22-08-06 10:11:55: [Public] Alora: Oh wow - are you an early riser or a late nighter like us? it's just after 6am here, but we had a strangely timed nap last night.

22-08-06 10:13:50: [Public] Alora: Awesome that you managed to figure out choosing your profession! sorry there's not a better tutorial intro right now to go through that stuff yet.

22-08-06 10:14:17: [Public] Serelliwen: I'm a night person, but i passed out around 11 ish and now i'm awake, normally i go to bed around this time if not four or five in the morning. it depends since its hard for my brain to know its dark. i can see dark and light, and have a good imagination about colours, since i can see colours and shapes but that's about it. point is mentally i know its dark out and time to sleep, but i think my blindness prevents me from well, connecting night with sleep.

22-08-06 10:17:29: [Public] Alora: Ha, that is basically the exact same thing we did and schedule we keep. that makes sense though that vision would be connected with affecting a natural day/night cycle.

22-08-06 10:24:58: [Public] Alora: =.

22-08-06 10:25:02: [Public] Alora: Whoops.

22-08-06 10:26:07: [Public] Serelliwen: Believe me, i'm in a way glad i have this schedule sometimes since i have a housefull of roudy nephews. gives me a chance to decompress and write, meditate or do fun things like this.

22-08-06 10:30:46: [Public] Alora: Yeah, it sounded like you had quite a bit going on earlier. i love the peacefulness of night. no distractions makes it so much easier to focus and be productive.

22-08-07 06:39:15: [Public] Alora: Everything going alright today serelliwen? it's nice to see another person hanging around with us!

22-08-07 22:02:33: [Public] Zilocke: Heya!

22-08-07 23:45:23: [Public] Zilocke: Heya.

22-08-07 23:46:47: [Public] Aion: Hey!

22-08-07 23:49:01: [Public] Zilocke: You vanished.

22-08-08 00:13:31: [Public] Zilocke: Where i am now.

22-08-08 01:16:30: [Public] Alora: Hi tempre!

22-08-08 01:16:37: [Public] Tempre: Hiya!

22-08-08 01:16:57: [Public] Alora: How you doing tonight?

22-08-08 01:17:23: [Public] Tempre: Doing weeeeeell. just figured i'd pop in and do some describing now that i've got some downtime.

22-08-08 01:18:03: [Public] Alora: Yay! i'm selfishly glad you have downtime, hehe.

22-08-08 08:01:53: [Public] Serelliwen: Eek.

22-08-08 08:07:21: [Public] Serelliwen: I'm stuck over mount kaelum.

22-08-08 08:25:38: [Public] Alora: Oops! let me see if i can help.

22-08-08 21:16:04: [Public] Alora: Party!!

22-08-08 21:16:16: [Public] Tempre: Dayum look at that who list.

22-08-08 21:16:56: [Public] Moxie: Aha! didn't realize the channel existed.

22-08-08 21:19:49: [Public] Moxie: I'm doing invikta rooms right now.. sort of. i've been slow going with it lately.

22-08-08 21:21:45: [Public] Faerie: Ooh, this is a thing?

22-08-08 21:23:19: [Public] Faerie: Ha, speak for yourself! still relatively new, 6 years. :p.

22-08-08 21:24:02: [Public] Moxie: Here i always assumed everyone in a mud started playing them way back.

22-08-08 21:24:35: [Public] Faerie: Oh plenty have, i'm just late to the party and weird. i'm also usually the youngest person around at 25.

22-08-08 21:24:43: [Public] Faerie: Say.

22-08-14 09:32:01: [Public] Alora: Hey there!

22-08-14 09:32:07: [Public] Serelliwen: Hey there.

22-08-14 09:32:26: [Public] Serelliwen: I'm still at camp but can't sleep so i thought i'd do some work.

22-08-14 09:32:57: [Public] Alora: Ah! sounds good to me, hehe. how is camp going?

22-08-14 09:34:25: [Public] Serelliwen: Oh camp is so much fun, i went kayaking yesterday.

22-08-14 09:35:05: [Public] Alora: Oh, that sounds awesome. i haven't gone kayaking in years.

22-08-14 09:35:06: [Public] Serelliwen: I went with a guide who did the paddling and kept an eye out and we just wandered down the lake. it was so peaceful.

22-08-14 09:35:47: [Public] Alora: That sounds like a nice, relaxing way to spend a day.

22-08-14 09:36:03: [Public] Serelliwen: We'll be going to another lake on monday, today we'll be shopping and buying lunch at some food trucks, oregon, especially the portland surrounding areas is kinda famous for its food trucks.

22-08-14 09:39:27: [Public] Serelliwen: It was very relaxing.

22-08-14 09:39:28: [Public] Alora: Yum. that does sound like a fun camp. i went to portland a couple years ago but was only there for a weekend and didn't get to experience the food trucks.

22-08-14 09:40:25: [Public] Serelliwen: I live about an hhour away from portland, an hour and half from camp so i can't just go to one, so this will be nice for me too.

22-08-14 09:43:37: [Public] Alora: Ah, that makes sense. i hope you enjoy it!

22-08-15 07:38:12: [Public] Alora: Welcome welcome!

22-08-15 07:38:32: [Public] Aion: Test.

22-08-15 07:38:49: [Public] shenedda: Test one.

22-08-15 07:38:54: [Public] Alora: Test two.

22-08-15 07:39:17: [Public] shenedda: Hey it workin.

22-08-15 07:39:38: [Public] Alora: Hehe, yeah. we weren't sure if you could hear us from the character creation screen or not, but seems you can!

22-08-15 07:40:00: [Public] shenedda: Lol, that's handy.

22-08-15 07:40:25: [Public] shenedda: I like the layout! looking good so far.

22-08-15 07:40:35: [Public] Alora: Thank you!

22-08-15 07:42:24: [Public] Shenedda: Oh, i should ask... what the next steps now?

22-08-15 07:43:44: [Public] Alora: Oh, you made it in!

22-08-15 08:05:10: [Public] Alora: Can't remember if i said this already but we've got a few visually impaired builders on the team, so some places have some formatting cleanup to be done, but we're just trying to get at least all the basic descriptions in for now and we'll have an editor on the team go in and proof read before launch.

22-08-15 08:07:06: [Public] Shenedda: Oh, i completely understand! that's definitely something to be expected.

22-08-15 08:07:48: [Public] Alora: Yep yep.

22-08-15 08:08:01: [Public] Shenedda: Side note, how o.

22-08-15 08:08:14: [Public] Shenedda: Would i turn fly off lol.

22-08-15 08:09:27: [Public] Alora: You can just go down from the skies in most places. on the ground you can land to disable the defense.

22-08-15 08:10:07: [Public] Alora: But having it enabled all the time doesn't affect much, it's kind of like hovering or levitating in place when you're on the ground.

22-08-15 08:14:16: [Public] Alora: Also, skies are two levels high, so you'll need to come down one more location to be on the ground.

22-08-15 08:21:14: [Public] Shenedda: Where would i find a zone with a nice lake to describe? i'm a bit lost in that regard.

22-08-15 08:21:25: [Public] Shenedda: Have smooth brain.

22-08-15 08:25:52: [Public] Shenedda: Neat, it'll be a chance to get used to the commands and such.

22-08-15 08:29:43: [Public] Shenedda: How do i unfollow... i don't even know how i followed him.

22-08-15 08:29:51: [Public] Shenedda: Pls help.

22-08-15 08:30:46: [Public] Alora: If you move to another location, you'll stop following him automatically.

22-08-15 08:30:53: [Public] Alora: He probably forced you to follow him.

22-08-15 08:31:16: [Public] Shenedda: Oh, that would make sense!

22-08-15 08:31:56: [Public] Shenedda: Sorry u had to see me being dumb, haven't had that happen before.

22-08-15 08:32:19: [Public] Alora: Hehe, no worries at all.

22-08-15 08:32:37: [Public] Alora: I'm sure it's a bit to adjust to when we just throw ya in without a tutorial.

22-08-15 08:45:29: [Public] Shenedda: Have you worked on any mobs yet? i wonder if you've developed any dream creatures.

22-08-15 08:46:49: [Public] Alora: We have functionality pretty much prepared for them but don't actually have any of them wandering the world yet. if you've got ideas or want to describe mob type stuff, please do feel free.

22-08-15 08:49:10: [Public] Shenedda: I dunno, but i think a race of little puffy things made of stardust and clouds might be cool! maybe call them astrites, or something neat?

22-08-15 08:50:01: [Public] Alora: Oh man, i love it! i love stars so you're really speaking right up my alley there haha.

22-08-15 08:52:54: [Public] Alora: We have a dream summoning skill that will feature a lot of dream creatures in it, but we just deprioritized all our summoning skills for release because they require a bit more work than most other skills.

22-08-15 08:52:57: [Public] Shenedda: Lol glad you like the concept. it might also be neat to have something like dream crystals as a sort of currency - maybe used to trade???

22-08-15 08:53:42: [Public] Alora: I kinda dig that, too. we've been generically calling our money "coins" because we didn't want to commit to it being "gold" but couldn't come up with anything better haha.

22-08-15 08:55:17: [Public] Shenedda: I see, well i know from experience finer details like currency can be tricky. world building in general actually.

22-08-15 08:55:46: [Public] Shenedda: Man aion is trucking along... it's a real spectacular!

22-08-15 08:56:23: [Public] Alora: Yeah - we won't have anything too in depth with currency, don't want to over complicate it with different types of coins, but i think reskinning them as "dream crystals" instead of a generic coin fits the world a heck of a lot better.

22-08-15 08:56:59: [Public] Aion: I probably built around 2500 locations at this point... hehe.

22-08-15 08:57:23: [Public] Shenedda: Well that suits me just fine. sounds nice!

22-08-15 08:57:55: [Public] Alora: He has buttons to create like 9 locations at a time, haha.

22-08-15 08:58:15: [Public] Shenedda: Man, almost jealous of u aion.

22-08-15 08:58:32: [Public] Shenedda: He working smart.

22-08-15 08:59:43: [Public] Alora: Haha, yep. he loves his map building.

22-08-15 08:59:47: [Public] Aion: Lakes/rivers/roads are pretty hard to write unique descriptions. i would say that unless you are really inspired, maybe write 6-10 descriptions and re-use them where it makes sense. it's easy to burn yourself out trying to force unique descriptions in every single location when they all look the same.

22-08-15 09:00:12: [Public] Aion: The edges will be easier, but the inner locations, not so much.

22-08-15 09:01:35: [Public] Aion: I will explain the lake to you in a bit more detail after i build the rest of the exits.

22-08-15 09:02:00: [Public] Shenedda: Sounds good to me lol.

22-08-15 09:03:35: [Public] Alora: I can give a few brief details - origins of the name means, "the rainy". if i recall correctly, it's supposed to be slightly dreary with some mild fog/mist rising off the water.

22-08-15 09:05:11: [Public] Alora: It's next to one of the biggest cities in the game right now, praestantia, which is home to the mages guild. and there's also another village called susurrar nearby which is a place of considerably evil origins.

22-08-15 09:05:31: [Public] Shenedda: So the description should feel a bit calm but bleak, sounds doable.

22-08-15 09:05:38: [Public] Alora: Yep.

22-08-15 09:06:17: [Public] Alora: And ya know, you can have a little area of it that's comparably vibrant or lively compared to the rest. feel free to break out of the mold and do things unexpected.

22-08-15 09:07:36: [Public] Alora: And depictions of stuff swirling in the mists, a touch of magic here and there, etc. we're pretty much open to whatever your imagination can come up with.

22-08-15 09:08:22: [Public] Alora: Suppose that's sorta the beauty of a world made from dreams. pretty much anything goes!

22-08-15 09:10:11: [Public] Shenedda: Maybe the lake has a large calm section closer to the center? there could be peaceful mobs like ducks there.

22-08-15 09:14:55: [Public] Shenedda: Sorry i was mesmerized by the work.

22-08-15 09:15:08: [Public] Aion: History.

22-08-15 09:15:19: [Public] Aion: Ignore that.

22-08-15 09:15:39: [Public] Shenedda: Ignoring.

22-08-15 09:16:00: [Public] Alora: Calm section in the center of the lake with ducks sounds great!

22-08-15 09:16:16: [Public] Aion: Heh. yeah, i've done a lot of building, i can do it relatively quick. the describing takes a bit more time...

22-08-15 09:17:26: [Public] Shenedda: I say so, but i do find it fun to envision scenes like that.

22-08-15 09:19:55: [Public] Alora: I would love to help more with describing but i'm a bit of a perfectionist and it takes me ages to write a single location so i just stick to the behind the scenes code for now.

22-08-15 09:20:06: [Public] Aion: The last two locations i just added are the inlet and outlet to the lake, the river vimur. you can ignore those if you like, i just figured it would help with visualization. the river flows north, so the inlet is the southern location.

22-08-15 09:23:35: [Public] Alora: Welcome back.

22-08-15 09:23:56: [Public] shenedda: My internet ded for a second.

22-08-15 09:24:15: [Public] Alora: Love when that happens haha.

22-08-15 09:24:21: [Public] Aion: The last two locations i just added are the inlet and outlet to the lake, the river vimur. you can ignore those if you like, i just figured it would help with visualization. the river flows north, so the inlet is the southern location.

22-08-15 09:24:29: [Public] Aion: If you missed that^.

22-08-15 09:25:19: [Public] shenedda: That makes sense.

22-08-15 09:31:23: [Public] Shenedda: Testing the describe command.

22-08-15 09:33:47: [Public] shenedda: Darn, not again.

22-08-15 09:34:20: [Public] Alora: Hehe, that's alright. i think you've got all the info you need from us.

22-08-15 09:59:59: [Public] Alora: Goin' okay so far?

22-08-15 10:00:54: [Public] Shenedda: So far, did two rooms, and i'm working on the third. starting to get used to it.

22-08-15 10:01:57: [Public] Aion: Nice!

22-08-15 10:02:54: [Public] Alora: Woo! that's awesome!

22-08-15 10:47:52: [Public] Shenedda: I think i might got to bed for a minute, i'll definitely be back on today tho. need to rest my thinker so i can crank through this beautiful area!

22-08-15 17:11:57: [Public] shenedda: hello all! Imma get to work lol

22-08-16 06:16:25: [Public] Shenedda: figured I would do a couple more rooms before calling it a day

22-08-16 06:32:22: [Public] Alora: whoops, heya! Haven't been paying attention

22-08-16 06:33:37: [Public] Shenedda: lol that's fine, I just got on a moment ago

22-08-16 06:34:55: [Public] Shenedda: rn I'm attempting to think of a neat audio quest that could work... also describing a room or two

22-08-16 06:37:25: [Public] Alora: Nice, very curious to see what you come up with! I'm excited about the potential with the sensory type quests

22-08-16 06:38:29: [Public] Alora: Your temple descriptions are looking good. I really like the Heart of the Temple

22-08-16 06:39:00: [Public] Shenedda: lol thanks, I'm a visual thi kernel so it really helps

22-08-16 06:39:57: [Public] Shenedda: ... visual thinker. Not sure what garbled stuff I sent earlier lol

22-08-16 06:40:33: [Public] Alora: hahah, I was literally about to google "thi kernel" like what on earth is that?

22-08-16 06:41:11: [Public] Shenedda: hah, I could feel the confusion as soon as I sent it

22-08-16 06:41:25: [Public] Alora: Made for a good giggle though :D

22-08-16 06:42:34: [Public] Alora: The visuals definitely come across in that room though. I am all about colors so I love the sapphire blue and ivory combos and the gold and silver kois.

22-08-16 06:44:02: [Public] Shenedda: I plan on giving all the areas I describe a walk through and add more details, but atm I need to actually describe lol

22-08-16 06:44:20: [Public] Shenedda: I figured some colors would be nice

22-08-16 06:46:52: [Public] Alora: Yeah, that makes sense and is exactly what I do. Start with the basics then go back and modify/edit/improve

22-08-16 06:57:07: [Public] Shenedda: ok, imma head to bed in a second. I'm gonna get up earlier to do more rooms and rewrite some others

22-08-16 06:57:22: [Public] Shenedda: gonna be fun

22-08-16 06:58:33: [Public] Alora: Sounds good, I'm exhausted so prob not too far from bed either. Sleep well!

22-08-16 06:59:24: [Public] Shenedda: lol good night both of u, have an awesome... morning?

22-08-16 07:03:11: [Public] Alora: haha, thanks. you too!

22-08-16 15:18:55: [Public] Shenedda: good day all

22-08-17 19:58:15: [Public] Shenedda: I just got back to do some stuff, but now I gotta work on a Mercedes... guess ill brb

22-08-17 20:38:02: [Public] Shenedda: I have returned

22-08-17 21:56:52: [Public] Shenedda: one sec

22-08-17 21:57:15: [Public] Shenedda: forgot to reply

22-08-17 21:58:50: [Public] Shenedda: it's room ID: #9301

22-08-17 21:59:38: [Public] Shenedda: hey there, good seeing you

22-08-17 23:04:33: [Public] Serelliwen: greetings

22-08-17 23:18:54: [Public] Alora: Hey all!

22-08-17 23:22:55: [Public] Alora: Sorry guys. Trying to get a quick fix in. Ignore me!

22-08-17 23:23:09: [Public] Serelliwen: hello alora

22-08-20 13:09:39: [Public] Serelliwen: hello

22-08-20 13:27:07: [Public] Alora: Hey there

22-08-20 13:32:47: [Public] Alora: We're just headed off but I left you a message in Discord. Sorry I missed you!

22-08-21 17:56:24: [Public] Alora: Heya!

22-08-21 17:57:50: [Public] Silvering: Hey!!

22-08-24 01:59:18: [Public] Alora: no one likes us love

22-08-25 20:33:47: [Public] Serelliwen: hello all. I just finished the road to laminae, toward the great bridge of Vimur.

22-09-08 04:41:13: [Public] Alora: Aion, you should probably connect at least the central sky locations to a ground location

22-09-14 10:23:04: [Public] Mysterin: hi

22-10-12 11:01:46: [Public] Alora: Btw, there's also this channel to talk to everyone across a distance (PUB is the command)

22-10-12 11:11:53: [Public] Anton: bloop

22-10-12 11:12:50: [Public] Aion: test

22-10-12 11:13:06: [Public] Anton: excellent

22-10-12 11:13:44: [Public] Anton: all right friends, i'm gonna run for now, i'll be back after sleep and such! thanks for the help!

22-10-12 11:14:03: [Public] Anton: wave

22-11-27 04:15:04: [Public] Alora: test

23-01-25 08:07:11: [Public] Aion: hey!

23-01-25 08:07:17: [Public] Lorecrafting: Hello world!

23-01-26 03:58:18: [Public] Alora: Hey there

23-01-26 03:58:50: [Public] Alora: You look idle, but we'll be around in just a bit if you're still here or pop back in later!

23-01-27 03:08:57: [Public] Alora: Hey hey, how's it going?

23-01-27 03:09:14: [Public] Alora: You can use PUB to talk on this channel

23-02-08 00:38:13: [Public] Serelliwen: hello

23-02-08 01:10:09: [Public] Serelliwen: I crated a naturally occuring grove in the Vrekkinwood.

23-04-24 00:28:07: [Public] Serelliwen: Granite path is finished

23-04-24 00:28:49: [Public] Alora: Awesome! Thank you!

23-05-03 18:40:52: [Public] Alora: Heya! I've been wandering through the Vrekkenwood and love all the birds and squirrels popping out as I walk through. Thank you so much for all your contributions - seriously cannot express how appreciated it is.

23-05-03 20:11:36: [Public] Serelliwen: I've finished the forest and Quarry. I'm about to do the fields tomorrow.

23-05-06 01:14:00: [Public] Anees: Are there specific things I should leave alone when building or just describe rooms which lack descs?

23-05-06 01:14:36: [Public] Alora: I think best to just describe rooms lacking descriptions for now

23-05-06 01:15:04: [Public] Anees: alright

23-05-06 01:16:04: [Public] Alora: If you see a typo you can mark it with the TYPO command, and if you see anything you think needs changed or fixed, you can use the SUGGEST command.

23-05-06 01:16:20: [Public] Anees: Umm I kinda just managed to get stuck in a zone with no sky set

23-05-06 01:16:50: [Public] Alora: I think Aion is trying to fix that area right now

23-05-06 01:17:03: [Public] Anees: is there any way to port back somewhere if I get stuck and no one is on?

23-05-06 01:17:27: [Public] Alora: can you do BTEL #2

23-05-06 01:19:08: [Public] Alora: The BTEL command should pretty much be able to warp you anywhere from anywhere, just gotta use the room ID numbers

23-05-06 01:19:53: [Public] Anees: question. How do I build in specific rooms without knowing the specific lore of the zone in question? I don't want to accidentally build something which goes against the lore of the area

23-05-06 01:21:42: [Public] Alora: I can give you a quick background. We have a file with a little bit of info about all the zones outside of the game but really need to get it setup in the game too

23-05-06 01:26:19: [Public] Alora: Hah, it tries but thankfully stops you so it doesn't get stuck in a loop

23-05-06 01:26:34: [Public] Anees: that would be amusing glad there are failsafe for it

23-05-06 01:26:46: [Public] Anees: /history

23-05-06 01:26:57: [Public] Anees: history

23-05-06 01:27:08: [Public] Anees: oh I'm dumb I was doing it wrong

23-05-06 01:28:37: [Public] Alora: Haha, that's alright. I'm glad there's a failsafe too BUT it makes me happy that you thought of something like that because we definitely need other people to help catch all the bugs that are surely here haha

23-05-06 01:30:02: [Public] Alora: Do you want me to spout details about the villages and lore here or would you rather me do it on Discord?

23-05-06 01:38:21: [Public] Anees: I described two undescribed rooms in preestantia. Not sure if I'm allowed to build in there hope they're alright

23-05-06 01:39:07: [Public] Aion: That's fine. I'll have a look at them soon

23-05-06 01:39:24: [Public] Aion: which locations?

23-05-06 01:42:31: [Public] Alora: Definitely fine. Praestantia is where the Mages guild was founded, so it's a very magic-based city. Our lore has it so that they are described as not inherently evil, but often perceived as evil. Mainly use black obsidian, opals, and the buildings have tall spires to give it the sort magic feeling. Main roads are built of bricks in a checkered pattern that alternate between dark gray and crimson red in color. Haven't looked at what you wrote yet, but in case that helps with future locations there.

23-05-06 01:43:29: [Public] Anees: How commonplace is magic? Would it be possible, or even expected, for magic to be used in the streets, for citizens to know a bit of magic even if they don't join prominant guildhalls, magic-based lighting and arcanological construction methods?

23-05-06 01:43:39: [Public] Anees: not sure how I should depict them

23-05-06 01:45:32: [Public] Alora: Yes, magic is definitely commonplace and most citizens will know some amount of it. We do have magic based lightning and totally find to imply arcane construction

23-05-06 01:45:45: [Public] Alora: totally fine, rather!

23-05-06 01:53:13: [Public] Alora: I'm going to do an update to pull in some recent code changes. It will give a message and pause for a second and you will see another message a few seconds later when it's complete. It shouldn't mess up anything you're doing, but we'll know real quick if it breaks anything.

23-05-06 01:57:18: [Public] Anees: It all seems alright

23-05-06 02:17:08: [Public] Alora: These descriptions look fantastic!!

23-05-06 02:17:12: [Public] Anees: thank you

23-05-18 17:46:02: [Public] Alora: test

23-06-06 03:20:42: [Public] Alora: Okay, we're back now

23-06-06 03:21:00: [Public] Tempre: can I public here while meditating and dreaming?

23-06-06 03:21:12: [Public] Tempre: I can! I feel like I'm in inception right now

23-06-06 03:21:37: [Public] Alora: Hahah

23-06-06 03:22:01: [Public] Alora: I dunno if we should change that or not

23-06-06 03:22:13: [Public] Alora: Honestly we've done nothing with the channels to this point

23-06-06 03:22:30: [Public] Tempre: planning on keeping them all active?

23-06-06 03:23:23: [Public] Alora: Yeah, I think we'll ultimately set something similar to what Av had up with guild/city channels and a newbie channel

23-06-06 03:24:31: [Public] Tempre: makes sense

23-06-06 03:25:23: [Public] Alora: Been learning lots of commands? And finding more emotes to make?

23-06-06 03:26:02: [Public] Tempre: hehe I have

23-06-06 03:26:25: [Public] Alora: Grin, good!

23-06-06 19:06:43: [Public] Aion: there's a syntax conflict with CONJURE

23-06-06 19:06:54: [Public] Tempre: oh dear

23-06-22 19:56:43: [Public] Alora: If you get stuck, use PUB and let us know. You'll be moving around a bit so I won't follow you the whole time

23-06-22 20:27:21: [Public] Alora: No problem - anything that calls out and helps us fix a bug is a good thing!

23-06-22 20:39:02: [Public] Serelliwen: I seem to not be able o forage with my novicehood skillset, it says i need one more lesson in survival to do it

23-06-22 20:39:37: [Public] Alora: see if you can do it now? That's an odd one

23-06-22 20:39:59: [Public] Serelliwen: thanks

23-06-22 20:47:50: [Public] Serelliwen: I have two sticks and a stone but when I try to craft the knife it says I need wood?

23-06-22 21:17:39: [Public] Serelliwen: my attack skill is not high enough to wield the shortsword. Sorry for the hiccups

23-06-22 21:17:57: [Public] Serelliwen: my attack skill is not high enough to wield the shortsword. Sorry for the hiccups

23-06-22 21:18:48: [Public] Alora: looking into it - one sec

23-06-22 21:21:46: [Public] Alora: See if it works now?

23-06-22 21:31:48: [Public] Serelliwen: when i ask peria about pacifism she looks at me blankly is that normal

23-06-22 21:31:56: [Public] Serelliwen: peritia

23-06-22 21:34:55: [Public] Serelliwen: I finished the tutorial. That was fun

23-06-22 21:35:40: [Public] Alora: Woo!!

23-06-22 21:36:12: [Public] Alora: Thank you and sorry for the hiccups! But also, many thank yous for helping find and solve some bugs in there.

23-06-22 21:45:56: [Public] Alora: Did you see my message that said you can request nemophilism from me if you want to?

23-06-22 21:46:19: [Public] Serelliwen: yes one moment

23-06-22 21:46:40: [Public] Alora: ah, okay. You don't have to, just making sure you knew you could if you want

23-06-22 21:46:53: [Public] Serelliwen: it says you would need to specifify a skill and who you would need to learn from

23-06-22 21:47:50: [Public] Serelliwen: doesn't work

23-06-24 21:00:50: [Public] Serelliwen: legs are broken strange

23-06-24 22:12:15: [Public] Serelliwen: my legs are broken and I still flutter my wings to float. Also I seem to be stuck in the dream world because I get messages of myself falling or mist coming around me.

23-06-25 18:37:56: [Public] Serelliwen: I seem to not be awake but when I try to wake up, I stilll seem to be in the dream world.

23-06-26 02:00:56: [Public] Alora: Tempre is here!!!

23-06-27 03:12:25: [Public] tempre: Should there be an ooc who?

23-06-27 03:12:36: [Public] Alora: no, is there?

23-06-27 03:13:11: [Public] tempre: not that I can see. I was just wondering. hehe

23-06-27 03:13:20: [Public] tempre: night!

23-07-10 19:41:59: [Public] Serelliwen: all my descriptions are gone forr the vrekkenwood

23-07-10 19:47:05: [Public] Serelliwen: dumb me brief was on.

23-07-25 20:07:03: [Public] Serelliwen: where do I find flint?

23-07-25 22:48:06: [Public] Alora: Sorry! I'm working so not paying much attention here right now. Did I leave you enough flint or do you need more?

23-07-25 22:48:23: [Public] Serelliwen: where did you leave it?

23-07-25 22:49:08: [Public] Alora: Oh, it's in the quarry north/northeast-ish of Atticus and Helaine

23-07-25 22:49:24: [Public] Serelliwen: yes thank you

23-07-25 22:52:04: [Public] Serelliwen: yes there's enough here, thank you

23-07-25 22:52:18: [Public] Alora: Okay, perfect. No problem

23-07-25 22:52:45: [Public] Serelliwen: one last question, where can I get hemp?

23-07-25 22:54:13: [Public] Alora: Oh, that's a crop that has to be grown and harvested, which I haven't tested in a while. I can leave you some of that too, one second

23-07-25 22:54:43: [Public] Alora: Okay, there's 10 hemp at ATticus

23-07-25 22:54:51: [Public] Serelliwen: thanks

23-07-28 01:10:09: [Public] Korval: hello fellow dreamers

23-07-28 01:13:32: [Public] Lely: the foraging game is tough

23-07-28 01:13:44: [Public] Korval: in can take a few attempts for sure

23-07-28 01:13:51: [Public] Korval: *it

23-07-28 01:58:55: [Public] Alora: Aion, afraid of that tornado?

23-07-28 01:59:44: [Public] Alora: I don't think I've made an NPC for Meliura that can invite

23-07-28 01:59:51: [Public] Alora: So I guess I should do that

23-07-28 01:59:58: [Public] Alora: Praestantia has one though I'm pretty sure

23-07-28 02:00:24: [Public] Alora: I'll be back in a little bit, you boys have fun

23-07-28 23:55:44: [Public] Alora: Welcome everyone! Excited to have you all here. If you have any immediate in game questions, you can use this channel - syntax is just PUB blah blah blah

23-07-29 00:35:58: [Public] Gaetania: test

23-07-29 00:36:32: [Public] Tiberius: Hello!

23-07-29 00:39:44: [Public] Alora: FYI - Shimmering air message is server restarting. Will likely cause your actions to pause for a couple seconds until you see restarted message. Doesn't affect anything much, just pulls in our latest updates.

23-07-29 01:04:22: [Public] Aion: you shouldn't get the enter/exit spam from the dummy anymore

23-07-29 01:06:01: [Public] Tiberius: Is there a quick way to see which skills you can request from an NPC?

23-07-29 01:48:44: [Public] Tiberius: Are any quests currently in game? Or enemy mobs?

23-07-29 02:14:16: [Public] Alora: There are very few quests at the moment - Aion can give you some guidance on those!

23-07-29 02:14:48: [Public] Alora: And Aion can spawn some mobs, also. I'm not sure if he already put some somewhere or not yet.

23-07-29 02:15:42: [Public] Aion: there are mobs in Vrekkenwood

23-07-29 03:07:57: [Public] Eddy: that's all my time for tonight, take care friends, thanks for the invite o/ good job so far!

23-07-29 03:08:23: [Public] Alora: Thanks for the kind words and for joining in!

23-07-29 03:08:25: [Public] Alora: Oops.

23-07-29 03:08:30: [Public] Alora: Too slow

23-07-29 03:16:11: [Public] Alora: Reloading server real quick

23-07-29 04:50:19: [Public] Tiberius: Strike didn't seem to disrupt equilibrium

23-07-29 04:52:23: [Public] Tiberius: Didn't work

23-07-31 04:48:04: [Public] Alora: Oops, hiya! Didn't notice you popped in

23-07-31 04:48:29: [Public] Tiberius: Heyo, yeah. I started back up on work today so my testing time will be much more limited, but I don't wanna be completely unhelpful!

23-07-31 04:49:37: [Public] Tiberius: Still no exp from hylokin :(

23-07-31 04:49:48: [Public] Tiberius: MUCH more damage on unarmed than last time though!

23-07-31 04:50:35: [Public] Alora: Aww, no worries. We got a lot of good feedback from the first day that we're still working through. I had a long weekend but back to the day job tomorrow for me, too, so it'll be less productive until next weekend anyway.

23-07-31 04:51:22: [Public] Alora: Oh, good on the damage, I think! I know Aion was working through some abilities trying to give better damage values to them all yesterday. I don't think he's had a chance to look into the XP issue yet though

23-08-02 04:25:06: [Public] Hayt: Hi!

23-08-02 04:45:08: [Public] Alora: hiya!

23-08-02 06:50:57: [Public] Tiberius: yo

23-08-02 07:09:26: [Public] Alora: heya

23-08-02 07:09:40: [Public] Alora: We've been busy paying attention to your file and not paying attention here haha

23-08-02 07:10:33: [Public] Alora: I'm leaving it in Aion's hands now, but think it's looking reaaaallly polished. Gonna be lots of good improvements to come for Beast as a result

23-08-02 07:13:11: [Public] Tiberius: No worries, figured I'd drop in to say hi, but its 2am for me and I got work, so not staying too long lol. GL and GN!

23-08-08 08:29:20: [Public] Alora: hey, you're finally here at the same time as Reu!

23-08-08 08:29:29: [Public] Aion: Sup

23-08-08 08:30:00: [Public] Aion: PUB <message>

23-08-08 08:30:15: [Public] Dread: yeah lol about time lol

23-08-08 08:30:34: [Public] Dread: whats happening?

23-08-08 08:30:35: [Public] Alora: haha, yeah. how goes it?

23-08-08 08:31:07: [Public] Dread: not too shabby thanks HBU?

23-08-08 08:31:10: [Public] Aion: I've been doing some map stuff and naming

23-08-08 08:32:25: [Public] Alora: not bad here. writing descriptions which gets kinda old

23-08-08 08:33:36: [Public] Dread: oh nice. yeah i bet lol. so how do i find out what quest im doing?

23-08-08 08:34:54: [Public] Aion: WE don't really have many quests lol but you can use QL or QUESTLOG

23-08-08 08:35:35: [Public] Aion: If you can find Sulastella, there is an NPC there that will give you a quest

23-08-08 08:36:29: [Public] Dread: sweet il go looking

23-08-08 08:37:23: [Public] Alora: I think I gotta fix a couple quest objects but I might be able to pull that off before you find Sulastella

23-08-08 08:43:55: [Public] Dread: clue where to find lol?

23-08-08 08:44:46: [Public] Aion: Take the eastern branch of Arborvella

23-08-08 08:45:18: [Public] Dread: near meliura lol?

23-08-08 08:45:26: [Public] Alora: Haha, you must've taken the portal

23-08-08 08:45:42: [Public] Dread: yip lol

23-08-08 08:45:47: [Public] Alora: Should be able to get back to Arborvella from the same portal, otherwise gonna be a looooong walk rofl

23-08-08 08:47:21: [Public] Alora: Go up until the platforms stop looking like all the other platforms (I think they might turn green on the map?), then take the east branch

23-08-08 08:50:24: [Public] Dread: ive got no other exits apart from the statues of power

23-08-08 08:51:55: [Public] Dread: just clicked lol

23-08-08 08:57:00: [Public] Dread: im lost now

23-08-08 08:58:33: [Public] Dread: what does the prompt do?

23-08-08 08:59:51: [Public] Alora: It shows certain info, like health and mana, and some other customizable stuff

23-08-08 09:00:38: [Public] Dread: dont think so?

23-08-08 09:00:49: [Public] Alora: In the web client it should show right over the box where you input text

23-08-08 09:01:22: [Public] Alora: might have to use PROMPT ON

23-08-08 09:01:36: [Public] Dread: yup does now

23-08-08 09:01:45: [Public] Alora: and you can use PROMPT BARS to see them like actual health and mana bars instead of numbers

23-08-08 09:02:51: [Public] Dread: oh right on. cool

23-08-08 09:03:54: [Public] Alora: yup yup

23-08-08 09:04:02: [Public] Dread: dont shake your head at me lol

23-08-08 09:05:34: [Public] Dread: yay

23-08-08 09:07:49: [Public] Dread: where do i find the npc?

23-08-08 09:08:01: [Public] Aion: In Sulastella

23-08-08 09:08:07: [Public] Alora: you're so helpful

23-08-08 09:08:36: [Public] Alora: She's not too far from where you are, somewhere down around that area. In a florist's shop

23-08-08 09:10:07: [Public] Alora: try the northwest road from the twilight plaza

23-08-08 09:12:06: [Public] Dread: there a full screen map?

23-08-08 09:12:46: [Public] Dread: ok lol

23-08-08 09:13:18: [Public] Alora: lemme know if the flowers decay, I forgot to make the reset time on them longer

23-08-08 09:13:37: [Public] Alora: and I also forgot how to make the reset time longer

23-08-08 09:14:29: [Public] Dread: ok sweet as

23-08-08 09:17:16: [Public] Dread: is the grave yard in sulastella?

23-08-08 09:18:00: [Public] Dread: oh algee. catch ya later

23-08-08 09:19:19: [Public] Alora: It's in a place called Valmaurian Wilds, northwest of the village Privia and south of the village Invikta

23-08-08 09:19:51: [Public] Alora: I just fixed the reset time on the flowers, you should be able to greet celia again and she'll give them back to you

23-08-08 09:20:05: [Public] Alora: If you feel like exploring without us anyway haha

23-08-08 09:20:44: [Public] Dread: algoods cheers

23-08-08 09:21:10: [Public] Alora: night! or day, or whatever time it is there!

23-08-08 09:21:42: [Public] Dread: 9 30pm no worries catch ya

23-08-11 21:15:33: [Public] Alora: hey there!

23-08-11 21:15:44: [Public] Serelliwen: hey there,

23-08-11 21:16:04: [Public] Serelliwen: I can do some work today on a place, what needs doing?

23-08-11 21:17:18: [Public] Alora: Sure - since you did Laminae (if you aren't tired of doing nature stuff), would you mind doing the road that leads west out of Laminae and goes to the Weeping Woods?

23-08-11 21:17:43: [Public] Alora: I'll try to find the room IDs for you

23-08-11 21:18:23: [Public] Serelliwen: I don't mind, I can do that. I love doing nature things. Also do we need herbs and trees created?

23-08-11 21:18:48: [Public] Aion: yeah, I will do that

23-08-11 21:18:56: [Public] Aion: herbs at least

23-08-11 21:19:09: [Public] Serelliwen: Ok then.

23-08-11 21:20:04: [Public] Alora: Starting at Before the Garden Village, Room ID #10979, just follow the path westish to Clearing before the Weeping Wood, Room ID #10790.

23-08-11 21:21:00: [Public] Serelliwen: i'm on my way there now

23-08-11 21:23:43: [Public] Alora: You're welcome to contribute more tree descriptions, too! We're mainly trying to get all the roads between the four villages around Arborvella described since those are likely the first places people will be exploring. After that, I'll be working on getting more content in for the trees, animals, clothes and crafted stuff.

23-08-11 21:30:21: [Public] Serelliwen: found it. thanks. when you type look does it just say look and not give the desc?

23-08-11 21:30:44: [Public] Alora: Oh no, you must have the look bug. We've had this pop up a couple of times with other people

23-08-11 21:31:09: [Public] Alora: See if that helped

23-08-11 21:31:23: [Public] Serelliwen: also do you want the road to have lots of trees and nature plants and? And thanks.

23-08-11 21:31:33: [Public] Serelliwen: helped it did indeed.

23-08-11 21:33:00: [Public] Alora: Okay, good. Yeah - that should probably be a dirt road surrounded with lush grasses. It should have some flowers on the side closer to Laminae, and then the Weeping Woods is a more mysterious foggy type forest full of Weeping Willow trees, so I think maybe a fog crawls in over the road the closer you get to the Weeping Woods.

23-08-11 21:33:28: [Public] Serelliwen: Ok got it.

23-08-11 21:33:45: [Public] Alora: Thank you!

23-08-11 21:53:56: [Public] Serelliwen: do worldbuilders have animal creating? If so I don't have it.

23-08-11 21:54:44: [Public] Alora: No, unfortunately I don't have a good way to set them up in a builder command yet. They'd have to be submitted in word documents like the trees for now

23-08-11 22:40:06: [Public] Serelliwen: there's part of the weeping wood that isn't described, is that right?

23-08-11 22:40:53: [Public] Alora: I think most of it hasn't been described, unless Aion did something I didn't see. You're welcome to take that one on, too, if you're up for it!

23-08-13 13:07:26: [Public] pusspuss: am I first?

23-08-17 20:15:35: [Public] Serelliwen: The road to Laminae is finished

23-08-30 05:46:34: [Public] Alora: Test.

24-03-21 07:28:03: [Public] Alora: Test.

24-06-27 23:42:04: [Public] Alora: You made it.

24-06-27 23:42:18: [Public] Serethipas: Yeah map is neat.

24-06-27 23:42:26: [Public] Alora: Should be just like Avalon's!

24-06-27 23:42:55: [Public] Alora: I'm about to do a massive update, if nothing breaks I will be impressed, so just a heads up.

24-06-27 23:42:59: [Public] Serethipas: Was gilbert supposed to give a prompt?

24-06-27 23:43:42: [Public] Alora: I think so... Aion?

24-06-28 00:14:57: [Public] Alora: We've almost got a fix in for the tutorial script...

24-06-28 00:15:43: [Public] Alora: You can use PUB to talk to everyone.

24-06-28 00:21:10: [Public] Drugal: All good, its almost my bedtime anyways.

24-06-28 00:21:44: [Public] Drugal: Matthias move OUT.

24-06-28 00:21:56: [Public] Matthias: Why?

24-06-28 00:22:02: [Public] Drugal: I can show you something.

24-06-28 00:22:14: [Public] Matthias: I wonder what that is.

24-06-28 00:26:14: [Public] Alora: Do you want me to heal you guys or let you die?

24-06-28 00:26:21: [Public] Drugal: I was going to see what happens when we die.

24-06-28 00:26:29: [Public] Drugal: But I dont wanna start all over now.

24-06-28 00:26:41: [Public] Alora: I can show you with a zap!

24-06-28 00:28:18: [Public] Matthias: Is meditating supposed to take this long to recharge mana?

24-06-28 00:28:32: [Public] Drugal: I dont think we have mana yert.

24-06-28 00:28:49: [Public] Alora: You do have mana, have you guys figured out turning on prompt without the tutorial?

24-06-28 00:28:55: [Public] Matthias: Mine is on yeah.

24-06-28 00:28:59: [Public] Aion: How long is it taking?

24-06-28 00:29:09: [Public] Matthias: It's stick at 2 percent.

24-06-28 00:29:10: [Public] Aion: Worked fine for me.

24-06-28 00:29:23: [Public] Matthias: Up to 4 now.

24-06-28 00:29:37: [Public] Alora: It might be set too slow right now - there are potions and abilities that speed up the time.

24-06-28 00:30:52: [Public] Matthias: Now it is stuck at zero, I backwards meditated.

24-06-28 00:31:10: [Public] Matthias: Does selfishness use much mana?

24-06-28 01:00:22: [Public] Alora: This will all make more sense once we fix the tutorial. It was very dumb of us to not test this before inviting you and Serethipas in given how many changes we've made recently.

24-06-28 01:00:42: [Public] Matthias: That's alright, I can do the tutorial next time.

24-06-28 01:01:01: [Public] Matthias: Is everywhere mapped like up there or just the cities?

24-06-28 01:01:21: [Public] Alora: Everywhere.

24-06-28 01:01:34: [Public] Matthias: Nice job!

24-06-28 01:04:34: [Public] Alora: It's all automated mapping so if we ever add a new location, we don't have to manually update anything for it to show up.

24-06-28 01:04:37: [Public] Alora: It's pretty fantastic.

24-06-28 01:04:56: [Public] Matthias: Nice.

24-06-28 01:08:19: [Public] Matthias: I can buy a pipe and some rock from this guy, nothing else. Dodgy drug dealer. Is there anything to the colouring of the locations? I've gone from a green to a pink area.

24-06-28 01:08:45: [Public] Alora: Haha, yeah. Shops aren't stocked with anything just yet, that's just the shop I use to test shop functionality itself.

24-06-28 01:09:04: [Public] Alora: Try MAPKEY and see if that helps with the colours.

24-06-28 01:11:17: [Public] Alora: Oh, were you talking about the location names themselves, rather than on the map?

24-06-28 01:11:24: [Public] Matthias: Yes.

24-06-28 01:12:10: [Public] Alora: Pink is just the default colour, so it would mean nothing special about the location. Check out HELP ROOMNAME COLOUR.

24-06-28 01:13:04: [Public] Matthias: Ahh I see.

24-06-28 01:14:11: [Public] Alora: We're trying to build in a little bit of customization so people can make the game look how they want it to... More options like that'll come in later phases though.

24-06-28 01:14:23: [Public] Matthias: Not bad.

24-06-28 01:17:37: [Public] Matthias: Alright goodnight all, will tutorial next time!

24-06-28 12:07:43: [Public] Alora: Test.

24-06-28 18:11:55: [Public] Matthias: If I quit now will I still be at the same spot when I return?

24-06-29 04:45:14: [Public] Alora: Hiya!

24-06-29 04:45:19: [Public] Matthias: Hey.

24-06-29 04:45:31: [Public] Alora: How's it going?

24-06-29 04:46:29: [Public] Matthias: Not bad, looking through these professions before bed, eventually will pick some to start trying.

24-06-29 04:46:52: [Public] Matthias: Cultists have some insane looking skills.

24-06-29 04:47:00: [Public] Alora: Hehe, sounds good. Let me know if you have any questions.

24-06-29 04:47:08: [Public] Matthias: Will do.

24-06-29 04:48:07: [Public] Alora: Cultists I think are some of the strongest conceptually for the overall profession. Those skills are Aion's babies.

24-06-29 04:48:26: [Public] Matthias: Ab shadows insight, mastry instead of mastery and an extra space after 'and' before 'mana'

24-06-29 04:48:50: [Public] Matthias: Cultists look like they have some unbelievable potential combinations.

24-06-29 04:51:17: [Public] Alora: Typo fixes'll be in on next update. I conveniently had the shadows file open already haha.

24-06-29 04:51:41: [Public] Matthias: Nice.

24-07-01 23:14:31: [Public] Aion: Wave.

24-07-01 23:16:21: [Public] Aion: Test.

24-07-01 23:16:48: [Public] Aion: Test.

24-07-01 23:16:55: [Public] Matthias: Test.

24-07-01 23:17:20: [Public] Alora: What are we testing?

24-07-01 23:18:37: [Public] Aion: Test.

24-07-01 23:19:15: [Public] Alora: Good answer.

24-07-01 23:21:30: [Public] Aion: I can officially say I am an expert MUSHclient usert.

24-07-01 23:22:03: [Public] Alora: Okay, now build a downloadable Mystv package!

24-07-01 23:23:00: [Public] Alora: Matthias - question for ya - do you feel like you have much an idea of what to do post-tutorial? Like once you choose a profession and skills? Or do you think the tutorial kind of dead ends and people are going to get stuck on "what to do next"?

24-07-01 23:25:11: [Public] Matthias: Well, I would imagine that once I finally picked a profession, I'd choose a home. And after that if there isn't a structure of players to guide new recruits, I'd imagine plenty of people could get stuck on what to do next. It happens in more muds than it doesn't I would wager.

24-07-01 23:28:09: [Public] Alora: Yeah, I am wondering what we need to do to bridge that gap, particularly in the short term. We have plans to add secondary, optional tutorials that are focused on more specific things (like combat, crafting, etc.) but until those are in place, I'm not sure how we help people get to point A to point B without them giving up in between.

24-07-01 23:29:11: [Public] Matthias: Maybe some sort of note or scroll could be given to new players after finishing the tutorial and choosing a profession/city, a general guide that they can choose to follow or ignore. I will send you an example of what I'm thinking in a while. The secondary optional tutorials are a very good idea too.

24-07-01 23:31:45: [Public] Matthias: Ohoho, arcane timebomb, another mad chaos inducing skill.

24-07-01 23:33:56: [Public] Matthias: Ooh torpor sounds like those 'mists' mages used to use in avalon.

24-07-01 23:34:08: [Public] Alora: Ooh, I like the scroll idea, thank you! I think that would be a great way to have something available to reference with suggestions for where to go if they want to quest, where to go if they want to bash some low level mobs, what to read about joining a city, etc.

24-07-01 23:37:13: [Public] Alora: Oh yay! Glad to hear positive feedback on arcane warrior! Torpor in its current iteration I think more functions as an AoE idyll/slothful affliction (so all in the location are hit with the affliction)

24-07-01 23:38:37: [Public] Aion: Hello.

24-07-01 23:38:59: [Public] Aion: Feel free to ignore me, I'm messing with chat windows.

24-07-01 23:40:09: [Public] Matthias: From the description it sounds like it works like mist, where you could only enter one single command at a time.

24-07-01 23:40:57: [Public] Matthias: Which was quite cool, it forced you to change how you played completely for the time you were in it from what I remember.

24-07-01 23:42:47: [Public] Matthias: I'm just going to send you the examples for scrolls I was thinking about on discord, they're for a different game but that doesn't matter.

24-07-01 23:44:27: [Public] Aion: Test.

24-07-01 23:45:36: [Public] Aion: Weow I actually did it. It's really nice being able to understand code now that Avalon is dead.

24-07-01 23:49:50: [Public] Matthias: Code looks like a foreign language made of maths to me.

24-07-02 00:01:30: [Public] Alora: Code basically is a series of semi-human-understandable logic statements that actually all turn into math. And I am not good at math, so sometimes logic has been a struggle, haha.

24-07-02 00:01:57: [Public] Alora: Thank you for sharing those scrolls though, they are excellent and definitely a good example to strive for.

24-07-02 00:06:52: [Public] Matthias: No problem, hope they're in some way helpful.

24-07-02 00:07:50: [Public] Alora: Definitely.

24-07-02 00:08:09: [Public] Alora: I'm AFK for a bit but Aion'll be around in case you have questions or bugs pop up!

24-07-02 00:08:30: [Public] Matthias: Grand!

24-07-02 00:51:18: [Public] Aion: Open a rift?

24-07-02 00:55:26: [Public] Matthias: Was that a rift to your first dream or a new one?

24-07-02 00:55:36: [Public] Aion: That was to mine.

24-07-02 00:55:48: [Public] Matthias: Ok.

24-07-02 01:57:14: [Public] Matthias: I guess I'm stuck in Aion's dream, forever.

24-07-02 02:03:16: [Public] Matthias: Ah, so going to sleep and waking up jolts you out of your dreamscape and back to the Tree of Actuality?

24-07-02 02:03:41: [Public] Alora: Hi!

24-07-02 02:04:03: [Public] Alora: I just saw your questions... Aion told me about the dreamscape discovery before he jetted off.

24-07-02 02:04:49: [Public] Alora: Going to sleep and waking up will jolt you to the tree of Actuality if your sleep location is in the dream realm... It's actually more of a fail safe so that you *don't* get stuck in the dream realm.

24-07-02 02:05:50: [Public] Matthias: That's good, because I was stuck in the dreamworld, since I made my dreamscape within Aion's dreamscape and could only escape from mine to his which I couldn't get out of.

24-07-02 02:08:36: [Public] Alora: Hehe, yeah. That needs a patch up - I will dive into code in just a moment!

24-07-02 14:37:25: [Public] Alora: Morning.

24-07-02 16:32:10: [Public] Alora: Lemme know if anything breaks after that restart.

24-07-02 16:32:24: [Public] Alora: It will have affected dreamweaving, among other things.

24-07-02 23:36:59: [Public] Alora: Whoa.

24-07-02 23:37:20: [Public] Alora: Now we're on par with Avalon's dying days.

24-07-02 23:37:23: [Public] Serethipas: Add a few named NPCs and you have a full game.

24-07-02 23:37:27: [Public] Alora: Haha.

24-07-02 23:38:06: [Public] Alora: *goes to code NPCs to show on who list*

24-07-02 23:38:12: [Public] Alora: (jk)

24-07-02 23:38:55: [Public] Serethipas: I forget how to use mudlet for targeting...

24-07-02 23:39:01: [Public] Alora: Anyway, I'm off for a bit but Aion's around to play with skills if either of you want to.

24-07-02 23:44:18: [Public] Loche: How did you get red?

24-07-02 23:44:31: [Public] Serethipas: Not sure.

24-07-02 23:44:38: [Public] Serethipas: I have 2 skills at prodigy.

24-07-02 23:44:40: [Public] Serethipas: Might be it.

24-07-02 23:45:01: [Public] Aion: Oh, aggressive. That probably shouldnt show on WHO.

24-07-03 00:02:47: [Public] Matthias: Was choosing a minor, crafting and gathering skill covered in the tutorial?

24-07-03 00:03:20: [Public] Aion: It was talked about, but probably chould use a bit more.

24-07-03 00:03:45: [Public] Serethipas: Could be something that happens after you join a city.

24-07-03 00:04:53: [Public] Matthias: Oh I thought we might be selecting them around the start when we pick profession skills, they could slip under the radar a bit.

24-07-03 00:08:40: [Public] Alora: All the skill types were covered by Peritia in the tutorial, yeah. But it probably gets lost in her blah blah blah. We have something called Archetypes that we'll enable soon at the end of the tutorial which is sort of like a guided skill selection.

24-07-03 00:09:12: [Public] Aion: Fully forgot about that.

24-07-03 00:10:11: [Public] Matthias: There'll definitely be things I've forgotten from the tutorial, most likely, short and concise as it is.

24-07-03 00:10:36: [Public] Aion: It's short, but still a lot of words.

24-07-03 00:11:11: [Public] Matthias: But the tutorial didn't say how to choose your minor skills did it? It was very clear on how to choose professions.

24-07-03 00:11:27: [Public] Alora: Oh, just do SELECT SKILLS and you can get an idea of Archetypes if you're curious. It has buggy bits I need to iron out, and the skills won't actually apply at the end yet (since I'm still de-bugging it).

24-07-03 00:12:15: [Public] Matthias: You must have chosen a profession before you can use select skills it says.

24-07-03 00:12:25: [Public] Alora: And you might need to have choosen a profession first to use it... Can't remember, but archetypes are based on profession.

24-07-03 00:12:36: [Public] Alora: Hehe. Yeah. That makes sense.

24-07-03 00:13:42: [Public] Alora: Okay, vanishing back into the ether for a bit. Back later, have fun!

24-07-03 00:43:28: [Public] Matthias: Berserkers use two-handed weapons, so there would be a few tactician skills they wouldn't get much use out of wouldn't there.

24-07-03 00:44:24: [Public] Loche: Correct. It would remove the ability to use swordbreakers.

24-07-03 00:44:54: [Public] Loche: Did arcane bolt fail when you were told to in the tutorial?

24-07-03 00:45:14: [Public] Matthias: Mine did not, from what I recall.

24-07-03 00:45:31: [Public] Loche: Odd. I wonder if it's Alora playing with it.

24-07-03 01:17:28: [Public] Matthias: Sorry about the non-response there, was busy on a few things on other screens.

24-07-03 01:58:19: [Public] Matthias: Bucket and water needed for the drinking herbs I take it?

24-07-03 01:59:13: [Public] Aion: You should be able to use bottles etc too. I'm not sure if that's functional atm.

24-07-03 01:59:25: [Public] Matthias: Ok.

24-07-03 01:59:28: [Public] Alora: Think it is.

24-07-03 01:59:39: [Public] Alora: Possibly buggy though.

24-07-03 01:59:42: [Public] Matthias o.

24-07-03 02:06:45: [Public] Alora: Matthias, are you able to use emotes or is something broken?

24-07-03 02:07:37: [Public] Matthias: Broken.

24-07-03 02:08:09: [Public] Matthias: I can emote, but can't use the inbuilt ones like grin, smile, chuckle.

24-07-03 02:08:15: [Public] Alora: Hmm, okay.

24-07-03 02:09:37: [Public] Alora: Any idea if they were working before or if they've always been broken?

24-07-03 02:37:35: [Public] Matthias: Hey Locke can grin.

24-07-03 02:37:40: [Public] Matthias: I can't still.

24-07-03 02:37:46: [Public] Locke: New character.

24-07-03 02:38:01: [Public] Matthias: Us old characters are broken?

24-07-03 02:38:22: [Public] Locke: Something along the way breaks. It. Loche cant emote and he was made today.

24-07-03 02:38:51: [Public] Matthias: Hmm, I see.

24-07-03 02:39:07: [Public] Alora: We can manually add command sets back on characters... Just gotta remember how.

24-07-03 02:39:12: [Public] Locke: So I'm grinning after everything I do.

24-07-03 02:39:22: [Public] Alora: Haha.

24-07-03 02:40:31: [Public] Matthias: Most of what I did was quit profession choose profession request skill from peritia. Then there was playing with dreamweaving... AB this skill or that.

24-07-03 02:41:24: [Public] Matthias: May I have a bottle of water to see if drink herb works?

24-07-03 02:42:38: [Public] Aion: You can make one!

24-07-03 02:42:58: [Public] Aion: Artisanry will give you the ability to make bottles and vials.

24-07-03 02:43:08: [Public] Alora: Or woodworking has buckets.

24-07-03 02:43:12: [Public] Aion: Then go fill it up.

24-07-03 02:43:46: [Public] Matthias: Ah yes, I should choose a crafting skill.

24-07-03 02:43:50: [Public] Alora: |yYou have discovered a new quest! |cFETCHAPAILOWATER|n has been added to your questlog.

24-07-03 02:45:42: [Public] Alora: Yeah, get a crafting skill and see if it goes smoothly. That would be more beneficial experimentation than us giving a container to you.

24-07-03 02:45:52: [Public] Matthias: Good plan.

24-07-03 02:47:22: [Public] Matthias: How many crafting skills can we learn?

24-07-03 02:48:24: [Public] Locke: 3.

24-07-03 02:48:33: [Public] Locke: Skillpoints are in SKILLS.

24-07-03 02:48:46: [Public] Matthias: Ah yes.

24-07-03 02:52:27: [Public] Alora: Aion, which herbs are drinkable?

24-07-06 23:00:53: [Public] Matthias: How does one return to Arboleva.

24-07-07 01:18:00: [Public] Matthias: I found the Hall of Healing, but she can't seem to cure me of the deafness. Preferably I'd get a bucket or bottle of water to try healing it myself though. I was looking for a lit furnace earlier to try crafting a pitcher for the purpose.

24-07-07 01:23:13: [Public] Aion: Let me look at the cures. I don't remember what cures blind.

24-07-07 01:23:48: [Public] Matthias: I think I tried all of the herbs except the drinking ones.

24-07-07 01:29:56: [Public] Aion: So there is no herb cure for blind and deaf. They are potion cures.

24-07-07 01:30:20: [Public] Aion: You can use your trueheal potion.

24-07-07 01:30:22: [Public] Matthias: I cured blind with a herb.

24-07-07 01:30:32: [Public] Matthias: Euphria.

24-07-07 01:30:47: [Public] Aion: But there is also the Sensory potion.

24-07-07 01:31:00: [Public] Aion: Oh that might be out of date.

24-07-07 01:31:49: [Public] Aion: Euphria will be changed to be a poison, afflicting dumbness and Haemophilia.

24-07-07 01:32:13: [Public] Matthias: Ah ok, so it should not have cured me of blindness I take it?

24-07-07 01:36:12: [Public] Aion: Yeah, I need to update it. I'll make it my next task.

24-07-07 01:40:42: [Public] Matthias: This is good. I'll continue to go through all of the herbs anytime I get a new affliction, and I'll let you know if anything is doing something it doesn't say it does on the spreadsheet.

24-07-07 01:41:13: [Public] Aion: Thanks!

24-07-07 02:09:19: [Public] Matthias: Have potions besides health, mana and allheal been invented yet? I see that some herbs are proposed as ingredients for the mixing of certain potions.

24-07-07 02:27:21: [Public] Aion: Thye have.

24-07-13 04:17:09: [Public] Alora: Hi LOCHE.

24-07-13 11:30:29: [Public] Alora: See if it works now.

24-07-16 15:43:51: [Public] Matthias: Am I imagining it or is movement a bit less laggy now?

24-07-16 15:48:30: [Public] Matthias: I'm not imagining it. Nice!

24-07-16 15:48:47: [Public] Alora: Nice!

24-07-16 15:49:49: [Public] Alora: Things are slowly getting cleaned up - our target finder functionality should go a lot faster now, too, though I don't think that delay was nearly as noticeable as movement.

24-07-16 15:50:58: [Public] Matthias: It was probably to do with the map (in my uneducated and worthless laymans opinion)

24-07-16 15:51:19: [Public] Alora: It's 100% to do with the map - the more exits it has to draw on the map the longer it takes.

24-07-16 15:51:26: [Public] Matthias: I knew it.

24-07-16 15:52:52: [Public] Alora: We're planning to bump up the memory on our server before we launch which should also help with the speed but just don't want to pay the extra for that until we actual invite a real crowd in.

24-07-16 15:54:46: [Public] Matthias: Wise I'd say, no need to spend extra needlessly. I imagine having a lot of players would cause a lot of lag on the current server. I wonder how many from discord, reddit and such are going to come when it launches. Hopefully first impressions will be good by that time!

24-07-17 04:08:55: [Public] Matthias: Looks like I already picked healing at some point. I guess I'll be going with finesse and phototonics too then!

24-07-17 04:33:42: [Public] Alora: Oh, I didn't even realize you were online! D'oh.

24-07-17 04:34:22: [Public] Matthias: Briefly, I am home too late, nearly 6 am so must go.

24-07-17 15:09:55: [Public] Matthias: I have succeeded in making a targetting alias! I am... A god... What to remember next, hmm.

24-07-17 15:10:15: [Public] Alora: Grin, nice!

24-07-17 15:10:28: [Public] Matthias: (I didn't remember it I had to find and copy and paste it from previous settings)

24-07-17 15:13:57: [Public] Alora: Haha, fair. I haven't even made settings for this world yet... It sounds daunting.

24-07-17 15:14:30: [Public] Matthias: It is.

24-07-17 15:19:43: [Public] Alora: Goto matthias.

24-07-17 15:19:46: [Public] Alora: Whoops.

24-07-17 15:21:32: [Public] Matthias: Flourish inflicts fear?

24-07-17 15:21:38: [Public] Alora: Yep haha.

24-07-17 15:21:39: [Public] Matthias: Nice hehe.

24-07-17 15:22:02: [Public] Matthias: I thought it would just be for show, like that sword guy who Indiana Jones shoots after showing off their skills.

24-07-17 15:37:37: [Public] Aion: Trick, Sabotage, Parry, cheapshot , elbow are the abilities that can be used with dirty.

24-07-17 15:38:08: [Public] Aion: Disarm/riposte, you use one or the other when parrying.

24-07-18 05:28:59: [Public] Loche: Vote Loche for Magistrate!

24-07-18 05:29:06: [Public] Alora: I can't!

24-07-18 05:30:05: [Public] Alora: 36 Days left!

24-07-20 03:48:35: [Public] Alora: Lemme know if you want a Mysterin online to test anything.

24-07-20 04:02:15: [Public] Matthias: I would like to beat on Mysterin yes. Though it will have to be a short one because I was dozing off there. Will try to make it before five am one of these days.

24-07-20 04:02:35: [Public] Matthias: I would like to try bladesunder and sabotage on her.

24-07-20 04:04:22: [Public] Alora: Yeah, neither of us are very alive tonight either, had a long day, so that works for me.

24-07-21 14:41:12: [Public] Alora: Hiiii.

24-07-21 14:42:05: [Public] Serethipas: Hello.

24-07-21 14:42:10: [Public] Serethipas: Half afk, in a dota match.

24-07-21 14:44:02: [Public] Alora: No prob. I'm code focused right now so only half paying attention here myself.

24-07-21 23:37:12: [Public] Alora: Hiya!

24-07-21 23:37:36: [Public] Matthias: Tell me when you're going to stream so I can run and hide.

24-07-21 23:37:42: [Public] Matthias: How goes?

24-07-21 23:38:03: [Public] Loche: Wave.

24-07-21 23:38:33: [Public] Alora: Haha, I think we kinda hoped some testers might actually stick around.

24-07-21 23:45:26: [Public] Matthias: Oh right, what would we do?

24-07-21 23:46:56: [Public] Alora: Good question. Aion has the plan of attack but I think he's trying to make sure his mic is all setup real quick.

24-07-21 23:49:16: [Public] Alora: He's restarting... He said can possibly play a bit with some combat stuff.

24-07-21 23:50:51: [Public] Matthias: Alas I have no combat stuff prepared still.

24-07-21 23:51:03: [Public] Matthias: It would be like beating on Mysterin, probably.

24-07-21 23:52:16: [Public] Alora: He said that's alright. I don't think it would be like a serious fight or anything, not given current conditions.

24-07-22 00:01:56: [Public] Alora: Whoops.

24-07-22 00:02:08: [Public] Alora: Forgot I was reloading and it got stuck.

24-07-22 00:14:45: [Public] Serethipas: Hello twitch.

24-07-22 02:52:02: [Public] Matthias: How did it go?

24-07-22 21:23:19: [Public] Alora: Fix incoming in just a sec.

24-07-22 21:47:32: [Public] Serethipas: Is Loche afk?

24-07-22 21:47:54: [Public] Alora: He just got home.

24-07-22 21:48:02: [Public] Serethipas: Can you make him sleep.

24-07-22 21:48:39: [Public] Loche: Half here. Making food.

24-07-22 21:49:53: [Public] Alora: He is asleep.

24-07-22 21:50:09: [Public] Serethipas: Hmm, I imagine there is a distance limit on summon/portal?

24-07-22 21:50:25: [Public] Alora: Not yet there isn't, but there will be at some point.

24-07-22 21:51:15: [Public] Alora: We probably need to fix up some of the dream abilities - I think you won't be able to target him because his realmstate is reality and yours is dream.

24-07-22 21:51:38: [Public] Alora: Need to remove that check for certain dream abilities.

24-07-22 21:51:58: [Public] Serethipas: Portal 'should' work then.

24-07-22 21:52:16: [Public] Serethipas: Since it goes to people in reality, summon is supposed to grab people sleeping in dreaming.

24-07-22 21:52:21: [Public] Serethipas: Sleeping or dreaming.

24-07-22 21:54:17: [Public] Alora: Yeah - it will. Lotta dream abilities just need updates because of the functional changes that were made to dream realm. ABs are correct but some abilities will be failing at target checks right now. I can prioritize getting them fixed tonight.

24-07-22 21:54:55: [Public] Loche: Realmstates are a very new thing so most abilities relating to dream wont be working now.

24-07-22 21:55:22: [Public] Serethipas: Got it.

24-07-22 21:59:29: [Public] Alora: Aion actually might take a look at Dreamweaving after he finishes eating. We're trying to get you and Matt's skills cleaned up so you guys can mess around together.

24-07-22 22:02:03: [Public] Timmy: Yeah I was just poking around in that skill set to see what is/isn't working.

24-07-22 22:03:56: [Public] Loche: What major skills are you wanting to start with?

24-07-22 22:04:20: [Public] Timmy: I was going to run Arcane Warrior and Dreamweaving.

24-07-22 22:05:34: [Public] Loche: Okay, cool. We'll focus there then.

24-07-22 22:18:48: [Public] Timmy: I thought about doing elementalism, but after seeing dreamweaving I dont think I want to drop it.

24-07-22 22:19:16: [Public] Timmy: And I kind of have to take arcane warrior so I can roleplay loremaster.

24-07-25 00:02:59: [Public] Loche: I'm cooking so wasn't paying attention.

24-07-25 00:03:03: [Public] Serethipas: All good.

24-07-25 00:03:07: [Public] Serethipas: Just testing.

24-07-25 00:22:46: [Public] Loche: How did I get her.

24-07-25 00:23:10: [Public] Serethipas: Did you leave?

24-07-25 00:26:38: [Public] Loche: Haha.

24-07-25 00:27:01: [Public] Loche: Changes to dreaming means I dont wake in dreamscape. That's somethign to think about.

24-07-25 16:09:55: [Public] Alora: Welcome!! We are going to try not to handhold through the tutorial part too much so you can give us real feedback on anything confusing or that you get stuck on, but please give us a shout on here or on Discord if you need any help at all.

24-07-25 16:14:19: [Public] Alora: Hiii Matthias! We brought you new blood!

24-07-25 16:17:39: [Public] Matthias: Ohhhh.

24-07-25 16:31:11: [Public] Alora: Server restart incoming momentarily. It'll pause your gameplay for a second but you shouldn't get disconnected or otherwise interrupted.

24-07-25 16:44:20: [Public] Alora: You should all be able to use PUB to talk on the public channel if you want - SAY <stuff>, TELL <player> <stuff>, and OTELL <player> <stuff> also work if you guys want to communicate with each other in game.

24-07-25 16:44:45: [Public] Alora: We're of course not paying any attention to actual keeping in character right now, but feel free to use and test out if you like!

24-07-25 16:46:47: [Public] Alora: Another server restart incoming. Apologies for any interruptions.

24-07-25 17:47:19: [Public] Fain: Testing?

24-07-25 17:47:59: [Public] Alora: Oh nice! You got it.

24-07-25 17:48:22: [Public] Alora: I think it should probably be auto-enabled at char create though so still want to look into it...

24-07-25 17:48:59: [Public] Fain: Yeah. Although this is also a good place to introduce tuning to the newbs, so you could point them there and have them do it themself.

24-07-25 17:50:00: [Public] Alora: Yeah, we haven't spent a lot of effort with the channels system yet. I had a newbie channel working on our test server for a while but it totally bugged out when we pushed it up to live so disabled for now.

24-07-25 17:50:13: [Public] Fain: Understandable!

24-07-25 18:04:12: [Public] Aion: Hi hello.

24-07-25 18:35:11: [Public] Serethipas: I cant use AB while frozen.

24-07-25 18:35:29: [Public] Aion: This is rough with shroud in the room.

24-07-25 18:36:19: [Public] Alora: There's gonna be a number of abilities that we need to add exceptions for to work when frozen/otherwise entrapped. I noticed a couple the other day, as well.

24-07-25 18:36:48: [Public] Serethipas: Curious if arcane sparkle should be breaking freeze.

24-07-25 18:37:46: [Public] Aion: Possibly.

24-07-25 19:18:29: [Public] Fain: Not sure why my aggression isn't fading. Hmmmm.

24-07-25 19:18:54: [Public] Alora: It's going down.

24-07-25 19:19:13: [Public] Alora: Oh. And just kicked back up by a minute. Did you do something?

24-07-25 19:19:19: [Public] Fain: I don't think so!

24-07-25 19:19:30: [Public] Fain: Is Silverhawk keeping it up?

24-07-25 19:19:48: [Public] Alora: You're still flagged as lunar regenerating, I wonder if that's accidentally got a hostile flag on it that's kicking every time it cycles.

24-07-25 19:21:49: [Public] Aion: I believe I lost the key for the mages guild...

24-07-25 19:21:57: [Public] Fain: Tragic.

24-07-25 19:21:57: [Public] Aion: Oops.

24-07-25 19:24:10: [Public] Aion: Found it.

24-07-25 19:32:24: [Public] Fain: Test.

24-07-25 19:33:37: [Public] Alora: Success?

24-07-25 19:33:56: [Public] Fain: Hah. I was setting it up to capture to another window.

24-07-25 19:38:45: [Public] Alora: Ah, hehe. Aion has that!

24-07-25 19:40:01: [Public] Fain: Is there anyway to get the PROMPT VARS you can add appearing on the same line as the health, mana, and balance by default?

24-07-25 19:40:59: [Public] Alora: Does PROMPT LOC AFTER do it?

24-07-25 19:41:18: [Public] Fain: Oh, I totally missed that setting. My bad.

24-07-25 19:41:33: [Public] Alora: Haha, no prob. It's a lot to digest at once.

24-07-25 19:41:34: [Public] Fain: Yep, that works.

24-07-25 19:41:37: [Public] Alora: Sweet.

24-07-25 20:06:38: [Public] Alora: Feel free to come and go as you guys need. I know there's usually a big wave right when you first get access but we don't expect you to be here 24/7 (though also won't be bothered if you are - it's very nice to have company!)

24-07-25 20:08:00: [Public] Alora: CraP. Fix incoming.

24-07-25 20:08:20: [Public] Fain: Woah.

24-07-25 20:13:38: [Public] Alora: Should be back in action now.

24-07-25 20:13:39: [Public] Alora: Sorry 'bout that.

24-07-25 20:16:33: [Public] Aion: You both have herbs and poisons now.

24-07-25 20:17:16: [Public] Fain: Do I?

24-07-25 20:18:51: [Public] Alora: 200 Of a lot of them it looks like.

24-07-25 20:19:29: [Public] Fain: Oh, I just can't see them because I don't have herblist unlocked.

24-07-25 20:19:48: [Public] Alora: Ah, hah.

24-07-25 20:20:06: [Public] Alora: Hm. Should maybe make that innate.

24-07-25 20:20:06: [Public] Fain: Er, or assessment. So many A skills.

24-07-25 20:24:11: [Public] Fain: Shouldn't you be able to lunar regen whenever since there's always a moon out?

24-07-25 20:24:26: [Public] Alora: You should, it might have an old check in it.

24-07-25 20:24:36: [Public] Fain: Yeah, it's telling me it's not night time.

24-07-25 20:24:41: [Public] Alora: Can you toss it in the ticket and I'll take a look later?

24-07-25 20:24:46: [Public] Fain: Yep.

24-07-25 20:24:53: [Public] Alora: Thanks!

24-07-25 20:50:14: [Public] Alora: Real question is, did everyone successfully revive?

24-07-25 20:50:21: [Public] Matthias: Looks like it.

24-07-25 20:50:26: [Public] Alora: Excellent.

24-07-25 21:47:28: [Public] Fain: How do I turn off this orb.

24-07-25 21:47:51: [Public] Alora: Oh... Might be an oversight that you can't. You could try dispersing storm?

24-07-25 21:48:11: [Public] Fain: Nope. The storm's gone, but the orb remains.

24-07-25 21:48:36: [Public] Matthias: They looks very cool anyway.

24-07-25 22:08:52: [Public] Aion: You can go ic now.

24-07-26 00:57:48: [Public] Fain: Oh, lightning bolt executes if it brings the person below 25%.

24-07-26 00:57:50: [Public] Fain: Sick.

24-07-26 01:35:50: [Public] Aion: Oh it's not working sad.

24-07-26 01:35:55: [Public] Fain: Sadge.

24-07-26 01:35:59: [Public] Matthias: Aww.

24-07-26 01:36:30: [Public] Aion: I made flowing rivers... But I changed the map and I can't remember how to do it.

24-07-26 01:36:39: [Public] Matthias: Noo.

24-07-26 01:37:25: [Public] Aion: Brb.

24-07-26 01:52:20: [Public] Fain: AVENGED FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE.

24-07-26 01:52:33: [Public] Matthias: Beautiful.

24-07-26 01:53:10: [Public] Aion: Died?

24-07-26 01:54:07: [Public] Matthias: Does bladesunder use both arm balances?

24-07-26 01:54:17: [Public] Matthias: I was trying to sabotage with dirtybalance.

24-07-26 01:54:46: [Public] Aion: We dont have two arm balance, only hard and soft balance. Dirty is kinda its own thing.

24-07-26 01:55:03: [Public] Matthias: But should I be able to sabotage with bladesunder?

24-07-26 01:55:16: [Public] Fain: All I know is JJ hits like a truck.

24-07-26 01:55:31: [Public] Matthias: Just like Avalon.

24-07-26 01:55:31: [Public] Aion: Jj probably handt been nerfed yet.

24-07-26 01:56:24: [Public] Aion: Once we get a bulk of the bugs out of the way and things functioning properly, we will go into balancing.

24-07-26 01:57:30: [Public] Aion: If you wanted a contained area, you could fight in Nubaria.

24-07-26 01:58:57: [Public] Aion: Nubaria is through the portal.

24-07-26 01:59:06: [Public] Fain: Oooh.

24-07-26 01:59:08: [Public] Aion: Not a part of normal map.

24-07-26 01:59:23: [Public] Aion: Will eventually be novice only.

24-07-26 01:59:39: [Public] Aion: But for now it's a nice little area with all the biomes.

24-07-26 01:59:58: [Public] Fain: Too experienced to enter it.

24-07-26 02:03:01: [Public] Fain: Did I yeet him into a borked place? Oop.

24-07-26 02:03:27: [Public] Aion: Just unfinished, needs to be blocked off.

24-07-26 02:04:17: [Public] Aion: Oh I guess the no enter thing isn't working.

24-07-26 02:12:46: [Public] Fain: Man, the map's huge.

24-07-26 02:15:33: [Public] Aion: Oh, yes.

24-07-26 02:15:40: [Public] Aion: And it's not even finished.

24-07-26 02:15:45: [Public] Fain: >.>

24-07-26 02:16:14: [Public] Aion: We have 14 mountains to create just around Arborvella.

24-07-26 02:16:30: [Public] Fain: Y'all crazy.

24-07-26 02:17:10: [Public] Fain: Do you know if there are fiery rooms? I assume there's a fire shield from Quadraconis, but I've only found air, water, and earth so far.

24-07-26 02:18:13: [Public] Aion: You might need to make a fire.

24-07-26 02:18:31: [Public] Aion: That's how it works for Elementalism.

24-07-26 02:18:33: [Public] Fain: Oooh.

24-07-26 02:41:58: [Public] Aion: Alora is back and I am going for a nap before I have to work.

24-07-26 02:42:26: [Public] Matthias: Ok take care Aion.

24-07-26 02:42:50: [Public] Aion: Thanks for all the effor today. Hope you are all enjoying it!

24-07-26 02:43:11: [Public] Matthias: It was very fun. First time we've seen the game in action really.

24-07-26 02:44:02: [Public] Aion: For sure.

24-07-26 02:46:15: [Public] Matthias: Is Peritia gone invisible?

24-07-26 02:53:21: [Public] Matthias: Fain what's your defense at?

24-07-26 02:53:43: [Public] Fain: Hmm.

24-07-26 02:53:51: [Public] Fain: How I see it?

24-07-26 02:54:01: [Public] Matthias: Ab defense.

24-07-26 02:54:13: [Public] Fain: Oh, the skill. Zero.

24-07-26 02:54:13: [Public] Aion: FIGHT.

24-07-26 02:54:22: [Public] Matthias: Innate?

24-07-26 02:54:34: [Public] Matthias: Go back to your nap Aion!

24-07-26 02:54:36: [Public] Fain: My defense rating on FIGHT is 90.

24-07-26 02:55:04: [Public] Fain: Peritia is apparently dead.

24-07-26 02:55:06: [Public] Matthias: Train your defense and maybe the physical damage of the jj will hurt less.

24-07-26 02:55:29: [Public] Matthias: She's here, but in the shadow realm or something.

24-07-26 02:56:13: [Public] Aion: That's just an enter message, it's not her.

24-07-26 02:56:20: [Public] Matthias: But yeah, is that right Aion? If Fain trains his defense up the JJ will hurt less? My attack is omniprescient.

24-07-26 02:56:43: [Public] Aion: Correct.

24-07-26 02:56:54: [Public] Aion: Also if you make armour.

24-07-26 02:57:34: [Public] Aion: You both have a bunch of comms now.

24-07-26 02:58:56: [Public] Matthias: Fain train defense and make armour, we can't be balancing classes based off max attack vs the lowest possible defense.

24-07-26 02:59:06: [Public] Fain: Wah.

24-07-26 02:59:14: [Public] Matthias: Lol.

24-07-26 02:59:36: [Public] Fain: Yeah, Peritia is megadead.

24-07-26 02:59:49: [Public] Matthias: You can still learn from her.

24-07-26 02:59:49: [Public] Fain: I'll have to wait until she realives herself to train it.

24-07-26 02:59:52: [Public] Fain: Oh.

24-07-26 02:59:55: [Public] Matthias: I just did a second ago.

24-07-26 03:00:00: [Public] Fain: She's so talented.

24-07-26 03:00:02: [Public] Aion: She takes 1200 seconds to res.

24-07-26 03:00:05: [Public] Matthias: She really is.

24-07-26 03:40:24: [Public] Fain: Yes, this works better outdoors.

24-07-26 03:40:31: [Public] Matthias: That was mean.

24-07-26 03:41:25: [Public] Fain: Your corpse had some lovely coins on it.

24-07-26 03:41:41: [Public] Matthias: Grumbles.

24-07-26 03:42:39: [Public] Fain: I'm sad the tornado ended so quickly.

24-07-26 03:44:29: [Public] Matthias: Did the hailstone give me the headache affliction?

24-07-26 03:44:34: [Public] Fain: I think so.

24-07-26 03:44:36: [Public] Alora: Likely.

24-07-26 03:45:12: [Public] Matthias: It looks like the headache came on before the Hailstone hit me instead of after.

24-07-26 03:45:36: [Public] Alora: Ahh, might be in the wrong place in the code. I can double check it.

24-07-26 03:46:59: [Public] Matthias: The headache reduces your mana everytime it pulses?

24-07-26 03:47:19: [Public] Fain: Oh, that's way better than I thought it'd be.

24-07-26 03:47:44: [Public] Alora: It's either on a chance or it does - I'll look in a moment and let you know.

24-07-26 03:47:53: [Public] Matthias: Cool.

24-07-26 03:49:18: [Public] Fain: Does invigorating the weather to extremify it currently impact anything?

24-07-26 03:50:05: [Public] Alora: No, but it will in the future (not sure if it'll make it in for phase one or if it'll land in phase two)

24-07-26 03:50:17: [Public] Fain: Makes sense!

24-07-26 03:51:47: [Public] Alora: Abilities that deal damage will deal higher damage with more extreme weather, or higher healing, etc. And I'm thinking it will also change the tick speed on some AoEs. Open to other thoughts or ideas for it.

24-07-26 03:52:30: [Public] Fain: I think that makes sense. Things that are mostly status effects like snowball could perhaps inflict a second status effect.

24-07-26 03:55:01: [Public] Fain: I think my main concern with sky prophecy right now is that it's essentially several mini sets of abilities that cannot coexist or be woven together smoothly, whereas other skills (presumably) have access to the entire palette at once, even if that palette is altogether smaller. Will have to see how it plays out.

24-07-26 03:55:43: [Public] Fain: I love the vibe of it, though. It's fun stuff.

24-07-26 03:58:29: [Public] Alora: Yeah, that is a definite concern/consideration that we're gonna have to look out for and see how it goes in actual combat. My thought is that it might be one you pre-prepare for by setting up in an open are with lots of adjacent locations and set a different weather on each location. Then you could have something like acid rain going in one room, can use lightning bolts over a distance, and just try to keep them trapped in your area.

24-07-26 03:59:48: [Public] Alora: Matthias, are you stuck dead?

24-07-26 03:59:55: [Public] Matthias: No.

24-07-26 04:00:02: [Public] Fain: Stop sulking.

24-07-26 04:00:14: [Public] Fain: Plenty of people get tossed into the skies and tragically fall to their death.

24-07-26 04:00:23: [Public] Matthias: So... I blinked out of the Isle of Death.

24-07-26 04:00:34: [Public] Alora: Hah, that's fun!

24-07-26 04:00:54: [Public] Alora: Blink is going to be getting some adjustments tonight.

24-07-26 04:01:07: [Public] Alora: Have the Photonics file open now as a matter of fact!

24-07-26 04:18:36: [Public] Fain: Is that hitting you, Matthias?

24-07-26 04:18:58: [Public] Alora: The fork lightning?

24-07-26 04:19:02: [Public] Matthias: When I was there yes.

24-07-26 04:19:07: [Public] Alora: It's hitting all of us, yeah.

24-07-26 04:19:08: [Public] Matthias: I moved house.

24-07-26 04:19:10: [Public] Fain: It's chain lightning. Shouldn't it continue eastward?

24-07-26 04:19:31: [Public] Alora: Oh, yes.

24-07-26 04:19:34: [Public] Fain: I think it's stopping before it hits him.

24-07-26 04:19:53: [Public] Alora: Ahh.

24-07-26 04:20:14: [Public] Fain: I see it hitting you guys but not continuing east into the next room and hitting him or Sigmund.

24-07-26 04:20:29: [Public] Matthias: Leave me and Sigmund alone.

24-07-26 04:21:09: [Public] Fain: What was the damage like on the chain lightning?

24-07-26 04:21:49: [Public] Alora: Just 15%

24-07-26 04:21:50: [Public] Matthias: Enough to make me want to move room. But I'm distracted at the moment, can check later.

24-07-26 04:22:11: [Public] Fain: That's not bad considering it can potentially be pretty long range.

24-07-26 04:22:12: [Public] Alora: I think I might change the damage on that one to be less the more targets it hits.

24-07-26 04:22:36: [Public] Fain: Booo.

24-07-26 04:25:02: [Public] Fain: Is herb balance implemented?

24-07-26 04:26:21: [Public] Alora: I think so.

24-07-26 04:26:41: [Public] Alora: One herb - arcaleaf - might not have it but I've got questions to Aion about that one.

24-07-26 04:36:44: [Public] Fain: Foul warrior.

24-07-26 04:38:32: [Public] Matthias: Ok. This was fun. Also has me reconsidering not choosing Flying as a Minor... Going outdoors means likely death from being dropped from very high up...

24-07-26 04:38:56: [Public] Fain: I highly recommend not taking Flying.

24-07-26 04:39:03: [Public] Matthias: I trust you.

24-07-26 04:39:24: [Public] Fain: There are going to be flying mounts, it seems, from looking at AB ANIMALS.

24-07-26 12:49:58: [Public] Aion: Can you see this?

24-07-26 12:50:19: [Public] Aion: PUB is the command.

24-07-26 16:12:08: [Public] Fain: Well that seems ridiculously easy to do.

24-07-26 17:30:41: [Public] Fain: Not sure how to calm fear. HMM.

24-07-26 18:11:27: [Public] Fain: Guess it still counts as night.

24-07-26 18:59:43: [Public] Fain: Someone open a portal to me?

24-07-26 19:53:36: [Public] Fain: Oh, lessons?

24-07-26 19:53:54: [Public] Fain: I only got 1200 back from forgetting astrology and I only got 4,000 left. Not sure if I'll have enough to learn both white and black magic.

24-07-26 20:00:41: [Public] Fain: You can't hear this?

24-07-26 20:02:15: [Public] Alora: Test.

24-07-26 20:06:22: [Public] Mysterin: Test.

24-07-26 20:07:02: [Public] Mysterin: Test.

24-07-26 20:10:54: [Public] Alora: Test.

24-07-26 20:16:55: [Public] Mysterin: Test again.

24-07-26 20:19:37: [Public] Mysterin: (disabled/enabled pub test)

24-07-26 20:19:45: [Public] Mysterin: Yeah, no clue.

24-07-26 21:04:47: [Public] Loche: That went well.

24-07-26 21:05:24: [Public] Fain: Test.

24-07-26 21:05:37: [Public] Fain: Hmn, my public channel was being weird. Mana potion too stronk.

24-07-26 21:05:57: [Public] Loche: Hehe.

24-07-26 23:18:56: [Public] Alora: I'm getting ready to push the latest round of bug fixes. Fingers crossed I don't cause worldwide errors this time.

24-07-26 23:19:03: [Public] Fain: Woo!

24-07-26 23:21:37: [Public] Alora: No immediate errors on my end!

24-07-26 23:25:09: [Public] Matthias: Where can one get more health potion?

24-07-26 23:25:20: [Public] Alora: Oh, I can mix some more for you.

24-07-26 23:25:32: [Public] Matthias: Also, is the burning affliction permanent?

24-07-26 23:25:41: [Public] Matthias: Ok it stopped.

24-07-26 23:25:46: [Public] Alora: Or you could learn alchemy and try to mix it for yourself. Let us know if you need more lessons.

24-07-26 23:26:04: [Public] Alora: Yeah, burning should auto stop, but it does accumulate if you keep getting burnt.

24-07-26 23:26:11: [Public] Matthias: Douse should probs cure burning, maybe there's another way I don't know about.

24-07-26 23:26:41: [Public] Alora: I have it on the to-do list to make douse work.

24-07-26 23:26:45: [Public] Matthias: I'll try learning alchemy.

24-07-26 23:26:51: [Public] Matthias: Woohoo.

24-07-26 23:27:12: [Public] Fain: I was fiddling it with yesterday but it was being weird and saying I didn't have bottles. But I diiid.

24-07-26 23:27:16: [Public] Alora: I should also make a BATHE command to stop burning if you find a water source.

24-07-26 23:27:37: [Public] Alora: Which skill did you use to make the bottles?

24-07-26 23:27:51: [Public] Fain: None. I found them lying around in the tree .

24-07-26 23:28:27: [Public] Alora: Oh, they probably had out of date/missing attributes that don't work with how alchemy does.

24-07-26 23:28:32: [Public] Matthias: You made me bottles Alora.

24-07-26 23:28:38: [Public] Matthias: My one bottle.

24-07-26 23:28:45: [Public] Fain: Ah, so we probably need to make new bottles. Okay.

24-07-26 23:28:58: [Public] Fain: Food time and then more stabbing. Brb.

24-07-26 23:29:13: [Public] Alora: Okies. Yeah, I'm about ready for a food break myself.

24-07-26 23:29:37: [Public] Alora: What caused the burning at Peritia? Anyone know?

24-07-26 23:29:44: [Public] Matthias: Fain's ritual.

24-07-26 23:29:49: [Public] Alora: Got it.

24-07-26 23:30:08: [Public] Alora: Yeah, that really accumulates fast, ha.

24-07-26 23:35:05: [Public] Matthias: Peritia dead. Can't learn alchemy.

24-07-27 00:21:49: [Public] Matthias: Ahh do all the potions not exist yet? I learned to max Alchemy but still couldn't mix a Headstrong potion.

24-07-27 00:22:11: [Public] Fain: Looks like sensory, headstrong, and innersight are out of date.

24-07-27 00:25:07: [Public] Alora: I'll fix that AB up tonight - I'm gonna take a food and brain break for a bit.

24-07-27 00:26:12: [Public] Matthias: Kkk.

24-07-27 01:41:10: [Public] Aion: I broke it for a sec there.

24-07-27 01:45:14: [Public] Aion: Tell me I stole your potions.

Date Index